Wednesday 30 April 2014

Sardinian Times

Last year I visited Sardinian, and it was LOVELY! While I was there I made some friends and they gave me a present - a (slightly creepy) statuette of a Mamuthones: a character from a carnival near to them. As a thank you I decided to draw the Mamuthones along with his creepy companion the Issodores to send to them….AND HERE THEY ARE! Finally ready to make their way back to Sardinia! (Sob) I just wish I was going with them…….


Despite the fact my Sardinian friends printed off reams of information about the origins of the characters, I'm still not entirely sure I understand the stories-sounds a bit dark to me! Anyway, I did a travel journal while I was away so I have loads of sardinian sketches still to grace this blog. I was a bit too sad to do it in October when I got back while the memories were still fresh and it was lashing with rain here in good ol' England, but now I don't really have an excuse! Watch this space : )