Sunday, 31 March 2013

Day Fourteen: Oh emulsion prints...

So the emulsion prints have gone horribly wrong! I'm going to wait until the light of day to see if there is anything I can do to salvage any of them so until then here is a picture of a lovely cornish cottage.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Day Thirteen: Next idea

These are some simplified drawings of a chinese lotus for my next idea. I needed something to do while waiting for my emulsion prints to be ready!

Friday, 29 March 2013

Day Twelve

More of the same today, so I decided instead of uploading them image by image I'd just take a photo to show them all on the go at once!

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Day Eleven: Colour Roughs

Today I've been doing some more roughs, and I've decided on a few to take further. The first step for me is to get some colour into the mix. And here are the results....

 Actually, this is just the rough for the first idea I'm working on. 

I think this one may be destined to become an emulsion print! Or something along that line...

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Day Ten: Roughs

Day ten has been a day of producing rough roughs. The book is Red Rose, White Rose by Eileen Chang and it tells the story of a man who cannot decide between following his heart and his mind. His heart wants Jiaorui-a passionate beauty who is married to his friend, she is the red rose-the mistress. The white rose is sweet Yanli-the woman who is perfect on paper, who his mind tells him is right for his wife but whom he does not love. Here are a few ideas I'm bouncing around...

This idea shows how both women effect Zhenbao differently. Yanli blinding him and Jiaorui clawing at him. I'm trying to infer the differences in the relationships Zhenbao has with the women. Yanli is innocent and remote whereas Jiaorui is passionate and physical.

This idea shows Zhenbao's head shrouded by white mist (Yanli) and his body standing in red water (Jiaorui) while the fish represent his desire that his chosen wife will further his professional goals.

This idea is based on a description in the text which infers who you always want what you can't have. When you possess the white rose she becomes a sticky grain of rice caught on your clothes, when you possess the red rose she becomes a mosquito blood streak on the wall. 

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Day Nine

Beginning some visual brainstorms now, prior to creating some thumbnails. Here is a fraction of current thoughts...

Monday, 25 March 2013

Day Eight: New project.

It's about time I started a new project and I hope to make it a book cover. This means that I have spent most of my day reading, making notes and brain storming. Hardly exciting stuff. So I drew a purse to compensate!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Day Seven: Results!

It's day seven and I have some results! Or options for results anyway, yay!

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Day Six

Day Six has been devoted to typography and design. Results to follow soon hopefully.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Day Five

It's Day Five, and it's been a slow one. All I have to show today is a flowery border. However it will be instrumental in the pulling-together of the elements for the invites. Along with the typography (which is currently under construction and not yet blog-worthy) it will be the glue that holds the design together. Oh yes.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Day Four: Guitar and Flute

Day four of the challenge has a musical theme-flute and guitar.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Day Three: Cars.

Day Three: So far so good, still feeling strong(ish). Novelty is beginning to wear off-both with blogging and weddings but I shall soldier on. Here are some wedding cars, enjoy!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Day Two

Today, I've been drawing flowers. Lovely bouquets of lovely, wedding-y flowers. What's more wedding-y than that!?

Oh, and I did a shoddy church doorway too. I swear there was a point when I actually liked it, maybe. Might need a second attempt......

Monday, 18 March 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day One.

Wow. So nearly fell at the first hurdle. As my blog seems to be so woefully neglected, I decided to initiate a 30 day blog challenge to give it a much needed kick-start. And here it is! Focusing on all things wedding-y at the moment, so here are some drawings of a church. Lovely.